The Slovenia Times

Europe Week to promote transition to sustainable economy


Visitors will be able to sample organically produced foods and get familiar with projects that support the European Commission-supported transition from linear to circular economy.

Tours will be organised by groups involved in city farming and bee-keeping, visitors will learn how to turn household and industrial waste in unique and useful products, about the Library of THINGS (Knjižnica REČI), and about second-hand items revived at the Centre of Reuse (Center ponovne uporabe).

Ecologists Without Borders will be on hand as well to warn about the excessive use of plastic bags, while education and entertainment will also be provided for children.

A special contribution will come from the Dutch Embassy in Ljubljana, which has announced an interactive programme to present the Netherlands and the country's EU presidency.

Presentations are also scheduled by the Ljubljana-based EU Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), the Slovenian Tourist Board and the Government Office for Communication.

The closing event of Europe Week in Ljubljana, to be held on Europe Day on 9 May, will be a concert featuring the winners of Dutch Princess Christina's competition for young musicians.


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