Bathing waters in Slovenia among Europe's cleanest
About 400 samples from 4,500 measuring devices from all bathing spots showed water quality that meets European standards and is comparable to other European countries.
According to Mateja Poje of the agency, water quality in Slovenia has in recent years been adequate around the country.
This was confirmed by the European report on the quality of bathing waters in the EU, released today, which says that Slovenia's sea water is among the cleanest in Europe, while its rivers and lakes are comparable to those in other European countries.
The 48 official bathing spots include those that are in the summer visited by at least 200 swimmers a day.
They are located at the coast, the rivers of Soča, Idrijca, Nadiža, Krka and Kolpa and the lakes of Bled and Bohinj and the Šobčev bajer pond.
The water there is however not suitable for drinking or cooking and swimmers are advised to take a shower after swimming, Poje warned.
New measurements will start as soon as the summer season ends.
Katarina Bitenc of the National Public Health Institute added that the quality of water in some 600 Slovenian pools was improving and that in 2014 only 4% of the samples had not met the required standards.