The Slovenia Times

Laško and Union formally merged


Pivovarna Laško Union is seated in Ljubljana.

The new company was also transformed from a joint-stock company into a limited liability company with a share capital of EUR 36.5m, said a filing with the Agency for Public Legal Services (AJPES).

The product portfolio will not be affected by the statutory changes as both breweries will continue to brew their brands of beer. However, beer brewer in Laško will be bottled by Union in Ljubljana.

The merger and statutory transformation comes after Heineken purchased Pivovarna Laško and its then subsidiary Pivovarna Union in April 2015 in a deal that valued the group at around EUR 220m.

It has since squeezed out minority shareholders and paid back EUR 185m in debt owed to banks; the huge debt burden had been the main reason Laško sold itself.

Since the acquisition, the company has been undergoing consolidation. Most notably, about 130 employees lost their jobs, bringing the headcount down to 670.


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