The Slovenia Times

Perseid meteor shower to light up August night sky


This year's Perseid outburst will see around 180 meteors per hour, almost double its normal rate, Igor Žiberna, the president of the Orion astronomical society, has told the STA.

When observing meteors, it seems they all come from the same point, called radiant, which in this case lies in the Perseus constellation. Hence their name, explained Žiberna.

The Perseids, pieces of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, are active each year between 12 and 13 August.

Therefore, this dazzling display of the meteor shower will be best visible, weather permitting, on Friday and Saturday night. In the fist half of the night the Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn may be observed too.

Light pollution influences the visibility of the meteors that are not so bright. Because of this, it is best to find an uphill location away from city lights and other sky obstructions for observation.

The Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia organises a group stargazing at the holiday farm Zgornji Zavratnik near Luče in the night from Thursday to Friday.


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