The Slovenia Times

Norwegian Gunman Praises Slovenia


Through Facebook, Breivik established contact with like-minded individuals, and in his manifesto made a list of countries comparing them with regard to the success of the "Marxist/multicultural brainwashing campaigns" in them.

He developed an index, attributing 100 points to the countries where the mentioned propaganda had been the least successful, and 0 to those in which it thrived.

With 90 points, Slovenia made it to the very top of the "multi-culti indoctrination" list together with Slovakia. They were followed by the Czech Republic with 80 points, while Norway, Sweden and Germany made it to the bottom of the list; the latter receiving only one point.

Breivik estimated in one of the chapters that in the next 20 to 70 years, at least one of the large European countries - Germany, Britain or France - would shake off the "multicultural (EUSSR/US) hegemony." Together with Italy, Serbia, Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, Slovenia is listed as one of the countries which will most likely be among the first to join it.

Slovenia is also mentioned in the chapter on right-wing parties and nationalistic organisation in the eastern Europe. Breivik writes that for objective reasons, these organisations focused less on the danger of Islamization, and fought against the EU and other ethnic groups, especially the Roma, instead.

In this context, the extremist mentioned the Slovenian National Party (SNS), stating that it received 5.8% of vote in the 2008 election.

The SNS responded by condemning the attack in Norway. Its MP Bogdan Barovic stated that the party "fought to ensure Slovenians the same rights as those enjoyed by the Roma and other foreigners" and stressed that its work "had nothing to do with the Norwegian guy".


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