Slovenians drink more coffee each year
In 2012, a household member in Slovenia consumed an average 3.5 kilos of coffee or coffee substitutes. The rising trend can be seen when the figure is compared to the one from 2000, which stood at 3.l kilos.
The price of a kilogram of roast and ground coffee is meanwhile also increasing. Last year, one kilo cost EUR 8, while a cup of black coffee cost EUR 1.2. Since 2003, the former increased by 12.5%, while the latter became 69% more expensive.
In 2014, 35 Slovenian companies were in the coffee and tea production business, while 64 companies were involved in the wholesale trade of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices, according to the Statistics Office. In the same year, there were 312 registered confectionery shosp and cafes, while the number of units which served drinks stood at 3,474.
Last year, Slovenia imported 12.6 million tonnes of coffee worth EUR 45.5m, down 21% from 2014. The bulk of the imported coffee came from Brazil, Italy, Columbia and India.
Slovenia, which is not a coffee producing country, exported 2.8 million tonnes of coffee worth EUR 14.4m. Most of it went to Croatia (57.9%) and Italy (10.4%).
International Coffee Day was marked for the first time last year as part of the 2015 Milan Expo show upon the 2014 initiative the International Coffee Organization (ICO).