The Slovenia Times

Survey suggests bright hiring outlook


Among the 622 employers surveyed, 16% plan to increase their headcount, 3% project a decline, and 79% see no change in employment in the first quarter of next year.

This puts the net employment outlook after seasonal adjustment at +17%, the highest since 2011.

The outlook is 5 percentage points better than for the final quarter of this year, and up 13 percentage points year-on-year.

"In general, the outlook on the Slovenian labour market remains positive in 2017," Manpower Slovenija boss Robert Vovk said in a press release.

Also persisting is the gap between supply of and demand for workers with specific skills, which makes people with the required skills very sought after.

"This year's signs of recovery have been confirmed and the market is full of confidence, so we expect big progress and activity on the Slovenian labour market next year. Apart from that, the forecasts of Slovenian employers are among the most optimistic in the world."

The outlook is positive in all branches, with the most optimistic expectations recorded in manufacturing and construction (+24% each), public administration and welfare services (+17%), and retail and wholesale trade (+16%).

Broken down to regions, employers are optimistic across Slovenia, and the outlook is also better across-the-board with regards to the size of the company.

Globally, the hiring outlook is the best in Taiwan, India, Japan, Hungary and Slovenia, while it is the worst in Brazil, Switzerland and Italy.


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