Unfinished Stožice mall to be auctioned off
A posting on the Agency for Public Legal Records (AJPES) shows the auction was called by the administrator of the bankruptcy estate of Grep, the bankrupt private partner in the private-public partnership formed to develop the Stožice complex.
The complex is mostly in third construction phase and is being sold in its entirety. Potential bidders need to pay a security deposit of EUR 1.045m. Bids are to be raised by EUR 20,000 or a multiplication of the sum.
The commercial part of the Stožice complex serves as collateral for claims against Grep that were acquired in May last year by Rastoder from the Bank Asset Management Company (BAMC).
Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Jankovič last year disclosed that Rastoder paid EUR 15m for some EUR 100m in principal claims and EUR 60m in interest.
In the process of Grep's receivership, Rastoder, a banana trading company, reported EUR 28.5m in claims, which are fully secured with a right to separate satisfaction on several plots in Stožice.
A total of EUR 445m in claims had been admitted in Grep's receivership, most of which, EUR 114.6m, in favour of BAMC. Real estate is the only valuable asset of the bankruptcy estate.
The bankruptcy administrator Lucija Klampfer has assessed it would coast at least EUR 30m to finish the commercial part of the Stožice complex.