The Slovenia Times

Insight in Public Expenditure for Everyone


According to the watchdog's head Goran Klemencic, the user-friendly accessibility of the data will "increase the responsibility of public office holders for reasonable and efficient use of public funds".

Moreover, it "reduces the risk of bad management, abuse of power, systemic corruption risks, unfair competition and cronyism in public procurement", he stressed.

The application will allow oversight over the average EUR 4.7bn a year used for goods and services by the public sector, all direct and indirect budget users, the bodies of all three branches of power, independent judicial and state bodies, local communities, public institutions an agencies.

The data offered by the application were not classified so far, but acquiring them was very difficult, Klemencic explained.

The Corruption Prevention Commission gathered the data since 2003 from the Agency for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES), the list of taxable persons and the Public Payments Administration, and the application will be updated with new data on a monthly basis.

Unfortunately, the application does not cover state-owned companies like the motorway company DARS and legal persons established by municipalities and other public institutions like universities, as they do not operate via the Public Payments Administration, Klemencic said.

He added that the commission did not have data on individual payments, but these were accessible to the public and could be acquired by anyone under the law on access to public information.

The web application is a unique project in Europe, which Klemencic is very proud of and was set up by an "excellent team" for free.

Besides the Supervisor application, the Transparency project, which is to be upgraded further over time, includes a web application for up-to-date monitoring of lobbying contact reports and a public presentation of the assets of the commission's officials, which he said should serve as a role model for other officials.

According to Klemencic, reports on lobbying are part of the anti-corruption legislation, but are poorly implemented so the commission's president hopes making the lobbying statistics public will put additional pressure on public office holders to abide by the law and report thoroughly.


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