Italy to host the IV Western Balkans Summit
The Trieste Summit will be structured into three political working sessions (Heads of State and/or Government, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ministers of Economic Development), a Plenary Session and side events. With the Trieste Summit, as stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Angelino Alfano, we want to act to build a bridge with the Western Balkans, boost their aspirations to unify with the rest of Europe, create the conditions whereby the European perspective might not be an abstract and far-fetched concept. We must work to achieve a definitive peace and to permanently harbour the Western Balkans within the EU and its values.
During the Summit particular emphasis will be given to economic issues with a focus on: the expansion of the Balkan network infrastructure and its links with the European one, energy, SMEs, innovation, development and common market. In this occasion, the Italian Presidency will organize a Business Forum to promote economic cooperation between Italian enterprises and those from Western Balkans and to provide information on the major projects and financial instruments made available for the region by EU institutions and international and regional financial organizations. The Forum - organized under the aegis of the Italian Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Alfano, and Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, with the collaboration of the Italian Trade Agency and Confindustria - will offer the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences among Institutions and economic operators.