The Slovenia Times

Housing survey by Deloitte


The average price for a square metre of housing in Slovenia stood at EUR 2,150 last year, a 2% decrease on 2015 and 10% more than in 2014.

Last year's drop is the result of an increase in sales outside of Ljubljana, as the price in the capital increased by 6.4% in 2016 to EUR 2,660.

The average price in Slovenia is comparable to that in the Netherlands (EUR 2,137) and Belgium (EUR 2,216). Great Britain meanwhile stands out with EUR 4,628.

The average price in Ljubljana is similar to that in Lisbon (EUR 2,572) or Gent (EUR 2,777), while it is higher than for instance in Prague (EUR 2,368) or Tallinn (EUR 2,340). Central London is the undisputed no. 1 with EUR 16,538, which compares to Berlin's EUR 3,510.

The 12 annual net wages needed to buy a standardised new flat put Slovenia only ahead of the Czech Republic with 15 and Great Britain with 14.

Things are on the other hand looking much better debt-wise, as housing debt as a share of disposable housing income, standing at 23.8%, is the lowest in Slovenia among the country's in the survey.

Slovenia saw little construction activity recently, with 1.3 new flats per 1,000 people finished in 2015 being only half the European average. France tops the list with 6.8.

Deloitt's real estate index also included an analysis of the rental market for the first time. With only 2.4% of households living in rental housing, Slovenia had the lowest share among all included countries. The share increases to 8% when including non-profit rentals, but this is still well below the average in the survey.

People renting out flats can expect an average return of 5% in Slovenia, which is on a par with the European average.


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