Minister proposes 4.7% rise in minimum wage
The proposal, which factors in inflation, as well as trends in recent years and the outlook for stable economic growth, will be put forward to the Economic and Social Council, an industrial relations forum.
Under the law, the minimum wage for the year is determined by the minister in charge after consulting social partners, that is trade unions and employers.
In fixing the amount the minister has to take into account the annual inflation rate measured in December the previous year, while it may also consider pay trends, economic growth and employment trends.
The amount of minimum wage needs to be made public by the end of January and is valid for work done as of 1 January.
Speaking to reporters on Monday, the minister said that the proposal took into account the period between 2013 and 2017, when "we went from a period of uncertain economic growth to a period of very stable and exceptional economic growth, and a stable growth is expected for the coming period".
The Economic and Social Council is to discuss the proposal on Friday with the minister expecting "an interesting and agitated debate". She believes the economy is fit for such a rise.
The rise would increase the labour cost for employer by 3% to 983.42 euro per worker.
The proposal comes after Kopač Mrak recently announced that her proposal would be the "maximum from the aspect of available legislative possibilities".