The Slovenia Times

Heavenly sounds, helluva lot of media



Slovenian music awards SRF (Slovenian Radio Festival) for 2005 have been presented. More than 160 journalists accompanied the third radio festival which took place on 27 January in Maribor's University Sports Centre of Leon Stukelj. The project was supported by National RTV and by more than 50 other radio stations, local televisions, newspapers and web portals. In the category of the best pop song, rising pop star Neisha won with her song "Planet za zadet" (Straight to the moon). Her performances have been scoring success after success. Her first album "Neisha" was the best selling Slovenian album of 2005. Rock band Dan D from Novo Mesto got the award for the best rock song of the year with "Pocasi" (Slowly). The remained two categories were reserved for Jan Plestenjak and Eva, the performers of the song "Iz pekla do raja" (From hell to heaven). Their hit was awarded as "the most played song" by area radio stations and won in the most prestigious category, Hit of the year. More than 25 000 votes were given for that category by the listeners who voted by postcards, Internet and SMS. Jan Plestenjak and Eva joined the band Tabu (Taboo) winners of the first festival and Atomik Harmonik, the winners of the year 2004. Beside the record number of journalists, invited guests from Germany, Austria, Italy, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia participated at the event. The hosts of the evening were Veronika Zajdela and Peter Poles, both known from the national television.


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