The Slovenia Times

Slovenia and Carinthia commit to closer cooperation in science


Ljubljana/Klagenfurt - Education Minister Simona Kustec and Carinthia's Governor Peter Kaiser have signed a letter of intent on cooperation between the Slovenian government and the regional government of Carinthia in higher education, science and research, the Education Ministry said on Wednesday.

Kustec said the letter signified additional commitment and would open up opportunities for enhanced cooperation between Slovenian and Carinthian scientific research and higher education institutions.

"We want to pave the way for stronger cooperation and networking between researchers and companies from both sides, leading to more joint projects and further development," she added.

At Wednesday's online event, Kustec also stressed that Slovenia and Carinthia had an excellent opportunity to become an example of excellent cross-border cooperation.

The letter of intent will initially cover cooperation between Slovenian and Carinthian research institutions in automation, bio-cybernetics, robotics, AI, computing systems, intelligent systems, 5G and telecommunications, as well as a digital innovation hub.

This could also serve as a foundation for other future projects, such as cooperation between the University of Klagenfurt and Slovenian universities in Slovenian language studies or in the education of bilingual teachers.

The letter of intent is another proof of close and friendly ties between Slovenia, Carinthia and Austria, as productive bilateral scientific cooperation has been under way since 2000, the ministry said.

A total of 162 joint scientific projects have been co-funded so far, and 32 bilateral projects are being implemented this year alone. The letter will also serve as the basis for future cooperation between the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Lakeside Science & Technology Park in Klagenfurt.


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