Energy Efficiency as a New Development Concept
General atttitude of the past
In Slovenia we are used to talking about energy efficiency. In practice, data shows that we are not so "efficient". In the 1990's, after independence, we were blinded by our fast development towards a western capitalist system which was not at that time so efficiency oriented. The basic goal of the average Slovenian was to buy and drive a new, nice looking car, regardless of fuel consumption. Slovenia became a "car society" which was the main reason that the only real strategic investment in the past 20 years was building the highway system. This very simple example of the irrational, consumption oriented public attitude is still incorporated in our society but the current crisis is definitely a very good opportunity to redefine our attitude towards energy consuption in all areas of our life and not just because of short term cost cutting.
Small steps, huge impact
Generally we can say that all the major steps toward a more efficent society are very simple, the catch lies in behaviour patterns. Think about how much electricity for unneccessary lightning is spent every day, how much energy is used for heating and cooling our houses, for ventilation, water heating, cooking, cooling, drying, washing, transportation, every day fun, recreation and last but not least, for energy production. In all there are numerous possibilites for more efficient consumption, the real question is whether we are sufficiently motivated to change our behavior. From practical examples we can see that changing behaviour patterns is a long and painful process.
The Role of Active Government Policy
The government, through their own behaviour and incentives for use of energy efficient appliances and materials, should be the major force in changing general behaviour. In Slovenia, some steps have been made toward promoting and financing efficient materials, buildings and equipment but alot must still be done. Now, at a time of general crisis, where are we are looking for new development strategies, the efficiency issue must be at the core of our new development strategy. First however, it's very important that the government prepares a credible and comprehensive Energy Strategy where the focus should not just be on energy production (for example creating a mix of thermo, nuclear or hydro energy) but also defining alternative sources at the same level as traditional and to think about energy saving, not just energy production. New sustainable techologies can be at the core of development for Slovenia and Europe in next decade.