The Slovenia Times

Reporter says Janša will remain a millstone around the right's neck


Ljubljana - Reporter says in its latest editorial that Sunday's general election in Slovenia was about the triumph of Robert Golob and the swan song of Janez Janša, who is not likely to resign as the president of the Democrats (SDS) and will remain a "millstone around the neck of the Slovenian right wing".

While Golob celebrates, Janša has been defeated and is experiencing his swan song of epic proportions after more than three decades on the Slovenian political scene, the weekly says under the headline Triumph and Swan Song.

When managing the Covid epidemic, Janša did not seek compromises - he went for all or nothing, thus accumulating a lot of resentment and dissatisfaction in a large part of the public.

"On the other hand, he expected to redeem himself with various candies: tourist vouchers, coronavirus bonuses, lower electricity bills and large-scale investments, but in the end all this did not help him much."

Janša expected greater mobilisation of voters in Štajerska region, where they again let him down. In the end, the overwhelming majority chose Golob instead of Janša - instead of illiberal democracy of the Victor Orban type, they chose Golob's "freedom".

Voters also did not reward two of Janša's satellites - the Connecting Slovenia alliance and Our Land, which were important factors in the strategy of the SDS president to form a new coalition.

Both parties remained below the parliament threshold, so the votes for the two parties went to nothing and Janša's dream ended, turning into a nightmare in which the main role is played by the deposed "electro oligarch", Reporter says in reference to Golob.

The fact that the informal Constitutional Arch Coalition (KUL) of centre-left parties was also defeated is poor consolation that is intended primarily to justify why Janša will not resign as the SDS president after another election fiasco.

"Janša will thus remain a millstone around the neck of the Slovenian right wing. He is not surrendering, he is charging until the bitter end," concludes the commentary.


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