The Slovenia Times

Vinakoper winery sales up by 15% last year


Koper - The Vinakoper winery had a good year in 2021, with its sales reaching EUR 9.04 million, up 15% compared to 2020. Earnings before interest, taxes, amortisation and depreciation (EBITDA) stood at EUR 1.55 million, operating profit at EUR 527,000 and net profit at EUR 449,000.

Last year was challenging because of instability and sale restrictions due to Covid-19, so the winery found new sales routes and ways to speed up sales.

Due to natural conditions, they produced only 3,429 tonnes of own grapes last year, 11% less than the previous year, but they were satisfied with the quality.

The winery mostly invested last year in modernisation of its capacities and equipment, technological solutions, expansion of primary production and renovation of vineyards.

Key investments planned this year include investments in vineyards, and in farming and production equipment. A solar power plant is to be set up on the winery roof and five charging stations for electric vehicles are to be installed in front of its wine boutique in the coastal town of Koper.

The winery also plans to invest in processes that will raise the quality of its top quality wine.

Vinakoper is also an exporter. In March, they sent their first shipment of top quality wine to Ghana, while sales routes to China and the US are also reopening. A growth in sales has also been recorded in the near-by markets of Serbia, Croatia and Austria.

In the first four months of this year, revenue rose much faster than in the same period last year, reaching pre-epidemic levels. However, costs in all aspects of business have risen as well.

Still, the winery plans no lay-offs. On the contrary, it is looking for staff that would work in the wine cellar and in agricultural production.


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