The Slovenia Times

S&P Global and DBRS Morningstar affirm Slovenia's ratings


Ljubljana - The Toronto-based credit rating agency DBRS Morningstar has affirmed Slovenia's A rating and the New York-based agency S&P Global Ratings has affirmed the country's AA- rating, both with a stable outlook, the Finance Ministry said on Saturday.

S&P Global expects the Slovenian economy and public finances to remain robust despite geopolitical risks, rising inflation and demographic disparities.

The agency forecasts economic growth of 3.9% for this year. The general government deficit is projected at 4.9% and will reflect a sensible increase in budget spending on investment, health care and measures to mitigate energy price hikes, the agency said as quoted by the ministry in a press release.

DBRS Morningstar justifies the affirmation of Slovenia's rating citing a credible macroeconomic policy that limits risks associated with developments abroad.

The country's main rating strengths are seen in its high value-added economy, effective public debt management, sound fiscal framework and membership of European institutions.

The rating is constrained by a relatively high debt ratio and the small size and the export orientation of the Slovenian economy, the agency added.


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