The Slovenia Times

Biomimicry & the purpose of AI


The story of an inspired pan-European & post-covidstartup!

In a series of articles, we will explain how we got our inspiration, talk about how science and technology are functioning on our famous Self-Machine-Learning Platform™.

By Jean-Philippe,
Founder & CEO of AxonJay.

We're surrounded by giant networks 'the Internet, our brains, nature...' so that got us interested in other network systems and ecosystems. We were always fascinated by ants how they are always uber-busy doing their thing...but how can they be so organized without having agreed on the processes, without having meetings, without decision trees...etc.

How is this possible? Well, it's all in the colony, it's all in the Tribe!

We are impressed by the contrast between the coordinated responses of colonies and the ineffective and incomplete actions of individual ants. In other words, colonies accomplish a lot, but no ant is very competent on its own. Computing the algorithm: 'Anternet' we call it!

For example, ants are really good at collective search; a group of ants can cover the search area thoroughly without any central control. They do it through simple interactions, just touching antennae. When many ants are in a small space, they meet often and tend to take a convoluted path that keeps them stuck in one place. When few ants are in a large space, they don't meet that often. They stretch out their paths and cover more ground.

DisruptWithPurpose #RightHereRightNow!

In computing, there's a tradeoff between the amount of information available and the cost of keeping and organizing that information. It's very interesting in ways ants have evolved to solve this basic problem. The analogy to routing algorithms in computer systems where the straightest or shortest path might require a lot of information.

Say you're driving somewhere unfamiliar, and the exit you want to take is blocked. You can find your way around if you have a Say you're driving somewhere unfamiliar, and the exit you want to take is blocked. You can find your way around if you have a map. But how would you do that without any information? Without an address? Collective search faces a similar problem. Hello Waze... There are probably many new algorithms that ants have evolved to solve problems like this that we haven't thought of. What we need to do is just go look outside...with AxonJay we did look outside and we have created Self-Machine-Learning Platform™ (Self-ML Platform™) which we see as the future in business data. Why Self-ML™? Because the algorithm further learns from existing sets of data, but also from human based feedback - user's feedback.

Does the data scientist know more about company's core business and challenges than those who are actually dealing with those challenges on a daily basis? Of course not! So it's very important that the power of data (and decisions based on them) is back in the hands of the actual users!

The Data based on relevant Signals
In a post-pandemic world, the winner is no longer the one with the most data in the lake, the biggest enterprise-wide platform for analytics, or the biggest data team. Today, everything is online, the winner being one able to predict companies' true behavior in their digital ecosystem, this based on relevant signals.

One culprit ML/AI solutions always have to face is data. With the Self-ML Platform™ that we have created you choose the signals that are relevant/impacting your business & operations. The signals are automatically connected to the data. As AxonJay is not a data provider and are not keen to create a huge legacy of data lakes; we provide you with data as a process based on relevant signals. That means only the relevant data t is gathered and processed specifically for your product and is only available to you within the Self-ML Platform™.

The Self-Machine-Learning Platform™
When you read into AI Models that are publicly discussed they have one thing in common, they are trained and deployed to do a certain task in the best possible way. The key here is that they are meant to do the same thing with the same quality over and over again. That might sound good if you consider a task or process that everyone is doing exactly the same way, but in business operations you need your own flavor. Business (especially these days) is NEVER working like a broken record - the same over and over again. To survive in this crazy world you need to embrace constant changes.

Our Self-ML Platform™ adapts to the way you are working and therefore creates the best possible results fitting to your way of working and doing business. The data needed based on relevant signals, the calculations and the results shown are continuously improving based on your way of working.

This guarantees that you can optimize your way of working and not just see the same things as everyone else with standardized models. This is called the Feedback Loop and is unique + automatically embedded in our Self-ML Platform™. ay of working

The infrastructure
Another point you or your IT department will worry about is the infrastructure to be used. Especially with GDPR in place, the question about how and where things run, got more important to monitor. With the innovative Self-ML Platform™, you don't have to worry, you just have to choose. The Self-ML Platform™ can run in almost any place you need it to, no matter if on the cloud in a certain region or within your own infrastructure. An easy setup and integration process makes it possible to adapt completely to your needs also on an infrastructure level.

One-Stop-Shop for value creation
This is just the start of a series to give you more insights into how the Self-ML Platform can create value especially for your busThis is just the start of a series to give you more insights into how the Self-ML Platform ™ can create value especially for your business. In the next articles, we will go into more details about each part that can drive the future products. For now, we hope you already get the bigger picture that Self-ML Platform™ can be your provider of success with more intelligence in your daily working routines as a one-stop-shop.

Get Smarter everyday through AI.

Jean-Philippe is based in Brussels, Belgium and is the founder of AxonJay. (his 4th successful Startup) He is an economist, statistician and ornithologist. His career as an serial ended sometimes in particular roles like Federal Chief of Cabinet as leading roles in several Tier1 software, telco and data companies. He was also the co-founder of one the first big-data start-ups in Belgium that was successfully sold.


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