The Slovenia Times

Culture Ministry gets another state secretary


Ljubljana - Architect Matevž Čelik Vidmar, a former director of the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana, was appointed Culture Ministry state secretary on Thursday. He will start office on 1 August.

The ministry led by Asta Vrečko already has one state secretary - musician, lawyer and activist Marko Rusjan.

Čelik Vidmar led MAO between 2010 and 2020, transforming it from a city museum into a powerful institution of architecture.

While serving as MAO director, Čelik Vidmar was also the commissioner of Slovenia's presentation at the Venice International Architecture Exposition, founded Future Architecture, a European platform which brings together architecture institutions and new talent, and revived the Slovenian BIO biennial of industrial design.

In 2020, he received the Plečnik medal for leading MAO and promoting it in the international community. The international BIG SEE platform declared him the Visionary of SE Europe.

Last year he conceived the new European architectural platform LINA, connecting 28 European and Mediterranean organisations, and became one of the curators of the Romanian city of Timisoara's 2023 European Capital of Culture (ECC) project.


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