The Slovenia Times

Bolt e-scooters limited to 5km/h in Ljubljana's pedestrian zone


Ljubljana - The city of Ljubljana and the Bolt company have agreed that Bolt electric scooters will drive at no more than 5km/h in the city's pedestrian zone. Bolt introduced a sharing service in Ljubljana in July and the city has since received a number of speeding complaints from its residents.

Ljubljana wants modern services such as e-scooters but not at the expense of pedestrian safety, Mayor Zoran Janković said at Tuesday's joint news conference with Bolt representatives after the two sides signed an agreement.

Stressing that the pedestrian zone is meant for pedestrians, Janković said that "no one has the right to put pedestrians in danger to make more money".

The speed will automatically drop to 5km/h as a driver enters the zone designated for pedestrians.

Matej Černe from Bolt said they had already adjusted the scooters to this change, and expressed satisfaction with the signed agreement.

As part of the agreement, Bolt will compile a list of potential spots where e-scooter users could leave the scooters after use.

The city will allow parking there free of charge until the end of the year while charging a small fee afterwards.

The mayor declined to reveal the amount of the fee beyond saying that it will be a symbolic sum with which the municipality will make no profit.


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