The Slovenia Times

MPs Start October Plenary Dedicated to 2013, 2014 Budgets


Adopted on 4 October, the budget proposals aim for a deficit between 2.8% and 2.9% of GDP in 2013. The government plans to achieve the goal with a successful implementation of structural measures and several other measures, including a 5% cut to the public sector wage bill and increased VAT on some products and services, most controversially on newspapers and magazines.

Budget revenues in 2013 are planned at EUR 8.6bn (8.4% more than this year's supplementary budget) and budget spending is estimated EUR 9.6bn (6.7% more than this year). In 2014, budget revenues are expected to fall to EUR 8.4bn and expenditure is to drop to EUR 9.3bn.

The general debate on the budget proposals is scheduled after the relevant parliamentary committees scrutinise the proposals between 23 October and 5 November. The first committee to discuss the budgets will be the Labour, Family and Social Affairs committee, which is scheduled to meet on Tuesday.

Day one of the October plenary will continue with a Q&A session. Deputies are expected to quiz the cabinet about last week's bond issue on the US market, the proposed VAT hike and government plans for layoffs in the Slovenian Armed Forces.


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