The Slovenia Times

Registered Unemployment Up in December, 2012 Average Down


The December growth was the highest month-on-month increase in 2012, the Employment Service revealed on Friday.

Labour Minister Andrej Vizjak commented that the growth was in part the result of provisions in the pension reform which gave more rights to the unemployed and allowed retirement under pre-reform conditions.

The number of newly registered unemployed in December surged by 31.5% over the month before and 46.4% year-on-year, to 13,171.

Among the newly registered unemployed, 6,538 saw their fixed-term contracts expire and 3,809 were made redundant or lost their jobs when their employers went bankrupt.

In 2012, 106,858 people registered anew with the service - 7.2% more than in 2011 - of which 50,911 previously had fixed-term contracts, 16,272 were first-time job seekers and 24,739 lost their job over redundancy or bankruptcy.

Compared to the year before, the number of first-time job seekers was up 13.1%, while ended limited-term jobs accounted for 12.7% more unemployed and redundancies and bankruptcies for 3.5% more.

Out of the 6,581 people removed from the unemployment register in December, 3,428 were found employment, which is 32.6% less than in November and 14.1% less than in December 2011.

Last year, 101,551 people were removed from the register, of whom 58,320 got employed, which means 4.4% less new jobs than in 2011.

The number of job vacancies published fell in December by 14.7% over the previous month and by 29.4% year-on-year to a total of 9,630.

The annual total of job openings in 2012 was 12.7% lower than the year before and stood at 169,732, of which 83.1% were limited-term jobs.

In December, 6,758 people found employment through the job vacancies registered with the Employment Service, which is 18.7% less than in November and 47.2% less year-on-year. On the annual level, the figure stood at 110,613 or 6.5% less than in 2011.


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