Compromise on Wage Cuts in Public Sector?
The head of the unions' strike committee Janez Posedi has said that the unions' expectations have not changed since the last meeting and that they are still waiting for data on the wage bill in the public sector and in individual departments.
The unions moreover expect to be informed about what agreements have already been reached in individual departments, given the government's claims that talks are being conducted.
The January strike was held over the government's plan to cut the public sector wage bill by 5%, which the trade unions say has not been negotiated with them before being included in the budgets for 2013 and 2014.
Claiming that existing agreements are being violated, the unions fear that the cuts will lead to layoffs as well.
The government has been rejecting all accusations and has been insisting that the total size of the cut cannot be negotiated on, since no funds are available. The government has only been willing to debate the manner in which the cut will be secured.