The Slovenia Times

Close to Solution With Croatia


In their second meeting in a week, the ministers will be joined by France Arhar and Zdravko Rogić, who were appointed by both governments to find a technical solution to the decades long issue of foreign currency savings deposits at the Zagreb branch of the defunct Slovenian LB bank.

Slovenia is unwilling to ratify Croatia's EU Accession Treaty until the Croatian government has withdrawn its authorisation to Croatian banks to sue LB and its successor NLB, Slovenia's largest bank, over the deposits which Croatia transferred into its public debt.

At the meeting in Brussels last week both ministers expressed their determination that this time around they would arrive at a solution that would enable Slovenia to ratify the treaty on time for Croatia to join the EU on 1 July.

The countries are pressed for time with an early election looming in Slovenia following the collapse of the ruling coalition. Should the National Assembly be dissolved ahead of an early vote, ratification of Croatia's treaty could prove impossible.

Erjavec has indicated that another meeting may be needed after the one in Otočec, but that agreement should certainly be reached by the parliamentary session in early March.


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