The Slovenia Times

Government Priorities: Kranjska Klobasa


The process of making of the sausage named after the region of Kranjsko is closely connected to the cultural heritage surrounding pig slaughter, which dates back to the Middle Ages.

The first documented geographical setting of the pig slaughter rituals stems from the second half of the 19th century and includes the making of a meat sausage from Kranjsko in the territory of the entire Hapsburg Monarchy as well as elsewhere in Europe and the world.

The making of kranjska klobasa is typical of the entire Slovenian territory while it is made under the same name elsewhere in the world as well.

In connection to this tradition, several festivals have developed over time, including the traditional Kranjska Klobasa Days and a festival dedicated to the sausage in Cleveland. The making of the sausage also has a significant economic potential.

The Ljubno Palm Sunday crafts called "ljubenske potice" are unique elaborately decorated crafts that people from Ljubno bring to church on Palm Sunday.

They take the form of various tools, devices and objects that people from the Ljubno area use in every-day life but they also include some Christian symbolism.

The crafts have been made since the end of the 19th century and their process of making is deeply rooted in the local population.

In line with the law on protection of cultural heritage, the government can declare as masterpieces of national importance any intangible cultural heritage that represents an important part of life in Slovenia or offers an important insight into the understanding of historical processes in this territory, the Government Communication office said.


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