The Slovenia Times

Three Candidates for Central Bank Governor


Pahor will chose among Banka Slovenije supervisor Boštjan Jazbec, Law Faculty professor Franjo Štiblar and present vice-governor Janez Fabjan.

Jazbec is presently an adviser of the IMF to the governor of the Kosovo central bank. He had also applied six years ago but was not successful.

Štiblar is considered an expert on the banking system. He is known as an opponent of the privatisation of Slovenian banks and a proponent of the idea of having at least one strong home-owned financial group that would serve as the backbone of the economy.

In line with the Banka Slovenije act, the president has 30 days to propose a candidate to succeed Kranjec. MPs then hold a secret vote on the proposal within 30 days. The candidate needs absolute majority support to get appointed.

Pahor will consult deputy groups to check the support of individual candidates before making his selection. His office said the candidate would be formally proposed by 3 April.

The last appointment of the Banka Slovenije governor six years ago did not go smoothly. MPs first rejected two candidates picked by Drnovšek - incumbent Mitja Gaspari and vice-governor Andrej Rant - to eventuality confirm Marko Kranjec.


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