The Slovenia Times

Foreign Tourists Visiting Slovenia Mostly for Its Nature


According to a survey conducted by the Statistics Office among foreign guests at hotels and campsites in April, July and August 2012, three quarters of foreign tourists in the summer visited Slovenia as a holiday destination, while the share is somewhat lower in the spring.

More than a quarter of foreign tourists decided for Slovenia on last-minute, especially visitors from countries of former Yugoslavia, while guests from non-European countries usually start planing their visit three months in advance.

Most foreign tourists visiting mountain resorts and Ljubljana decided for their destination based on recommendations from relatives or friends, while information on the internet was crucial for visitors of spas and the seaside.

As many as 47% of the respondents were in Slovenia for the first time, while 27% said they were on their second visit to the country and 31% said they had been in Slovenia more than twice.

Less than a fifth of foreign tourists in the summer came to Slovenia through a travel agency and almost three quarters came on the road.

With 46% of foreign tourists, their stay in Slovenia exceeded their expectations.

Foreign tourists gave the best grade to Slovenia's the natural environment, personal safety during the stay and the hospitality of the local population.

On the other hand, the worst grades were given for cultural events on offer and the quality of roads and roadside services.


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