The Slovenia Times

Industrial Output Broadly Flat in January, Down Y/Y


Only mining and quarrying registered a decline in January over December (-1.4%), while electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, and manufacturing recorded growth (+1.4% and +0.3%, respectively).

The output of consumer goods increased by 1.7%, but output in capital goods industries fell by 1.5% and it remained flat in intermediate goods industries compared to December 2012.

Industrial turnout increased by 1.6% from December, but dropped by 2.6% from January 2012. At the monthly level, revenue was up 13.6% in mining and quarrying and 1.4% in manufacturing.

The value of stocks was 0.8% up in January on the month before but down by the same percentage on January 2012.

Labour productivity in industry in 2012 was just 0.2% higher than in 2011. Labour productivity growth slowed down due to a fall in industrial production and a drop labour active population.


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