The Slovenia Times

Withdrawals from Mutual Funds Continue Despite Profits


In July, the average yield of all mutual funds active in Slovenia stood at 2.11%, with foreign managers recording slightly better yields (2.37%).

According to mutual fund web portal, the most profitable fund in July was PI Gold Stock, dealing with precious metals, which brought a 18.19% yield to investors.

The sector of raw and other materials brought the biggest yields in general in July (+5.23%), while the yields were lowest in funds investing in supply services (+2.42%) and basic consumption companies (+2.35%).

The biggest losses were generated by mutual funds investing in India, since Indian stocks have been plummeting in the wake of concerns raised among investors because of the weak rupee and increasing inflation in the country.

According to the Securities Market Agency (ATVP), investors are following global trends and are withdrawing from bond investments, mostly to equity funds.


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