The Slovenia Times

Author Boris Pahor Handed European Citizens' Prize


Kleva Kekuš said that the prize puts Pahor at the helm of the European agenda of "cross-border and intercultural cooperation and national consciousness".

She said the protection of Slovenian indigenous minority, the struggle for the survival of the Slovenian culture and language and the life in a foreign country were themes that will be highlighted as this year's awards are officially conferred in Brussels.

Upon receiving the prize, Pahor said that the unity of Slovenian MEP in Brussels in drafting the proposal for his nomination showed that there indeed was solidarity between them. But he was quick to point out that the Slovenian society was quite the opposite - divided.

The unity between MEPs could be an example for debate on the two sides of the Slovenian past, Pahor said, adding that history should be left to historians while politicians should come together and write a resolution reaffirming the unity of the nation.

President Borut Pahor and Culture Minister Uroš Grilc were among the attendees at the event. Grilc said the author witnessed numerous events that are slowly withdrawing into historical memory, which is why his work requires all due attention before the 20th century finally slips into oblivion.

"Only a clear understanding about our own history can help us turn the misfortunes of the past to build a more humane and responsible future," he said.

President Pahor meanwhile congratulated the writer in the name of all Slovenians: "Today we have the honour to celebrate together with a critical intellectual who has never allowed his right to saying his thoughts to be taken away. Conversely, he has always fought for others to be able to speak their minds as well, regardless of whether he agreed with them or not."

"We have a great Slovenian patriot and anti-fascist, who stood tall against all totalitarianisms of the 20th century," the president said.

The European Citizen's Prize was launched by the European Parliament in 2008 to recognise exceptional achievements by Europeans. Last year, the award was conferred on 37 individuals from 19 member states.


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