Registered Unemployment Down Slightly in August
In August, 6,443 registered as unemployed anew, which is 25.7% less than in July and 0.7% less than in August last year. 885 were first-time job seekers, 1,641 were long-term redundant and workers of bankrupt companies, and 3,031 lost their jobs as their contracts expired.
Of the 6,986 removed from the registry in August, 4,096 found employment or became self-employed, which is 22% less than in July and 2.5% more than in August last year.
Among the unemployed, the shares increased again for women, for those aged between 30 and 39 and those with a higher education degree.
In the first eight months of the year, 67,144 registered as unemployed with the Employment Service, which is a 11.5% increase on the same period last year. The majority, 35,547, registered after their contracts expired.
Between January and August 68,605 people were removed from the unemployment registry, of which 44,576 because of a job, which is 13.3% more than in the same period last year.