Opposition: Reform of Political System Required to Fight Crisis
The party called for an immediate reform of the political system through constitutional changes, which they say are a precondition towards Slovenia's recovery.
Slovenia is sinking deeper and deeper in the economic and political crisis and those who caused the SDS-led government to collapse in the beginning of this year are now handing the bill to Slovenian taxpayers, said SDS president Janez Janša, who spoke on behalf of the party council. He added the ruling coalition should begin preparing to ask for international financial help.
The SDS council believes there is no way the current balance of power in the National Assembly allows for an alternative to the current "incompetent" government. "The SDS will not back any new government without new elections nor will it take part in potential such projects. A technical government is thus out of the question - every government which emerges based on the current political majority of the existing coalition will be as unilateral and insufficient as the current one," Janša said.
The SDS council called for an immediate start of talks on a reform of the political system via constitutional changes, which they say are the first precondition for solving the crisis. The new system must primarily enable votes to have a decisive voice in choosing their representative. Without this, Slovenia will not be able to emerge from the crisis, the SDS council believes.
The council moreover condemned the "attempt to reintroduce verbal delict" in Slovenia. The actions of the Corruption Prevention Commission (KPK) and the police against SDS council president France Cukjati and some other Slovenian intellectuals are unworthy of a democratic country, Janša said.
The statement comes after the corruption watchdog filed defamation charges against several members of the Assembly for the Republic, an outfit with close links to centre-right parties, promoting furore in the group's ranks and calls for the resignation of KPK president Goran Klemenčič.