Emergency Meausers in Health Care System
When it was adopted by the government at the beginning of October, the bill was planned to raise an additional EUR 43m, but the amendments filed at committee on Wednesday reduced this figure to around EUR 36m.
In a key change proposed by the Health Committee, the proposed price of basic insurance for those who have to pay it on their own was reduced by 30%. The last-minute coalition amendments will prevent the cost of basic insurance from more than doubling from EUR 14.17 to EUR 31.81, with the new price being set at EUR 22.70.
The expected EUR 36m in additional revenue is far from the originally planned EUR 100m in annual income from the bill, which has been diluted several times in the process of its adoption.
The most controversial issue was the increase in the contribution paid by sole proprietors, which the coalition Citizens' List (DL) opposed but finally agreed to a lesser increase, from EUR 105 to EUR 125 monthly.
The changes to the healthcare and health insurance act also transpose into Slovenian legislation the EU directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare.