The Slovenia Times

Govt, Public Sector Unions Sign Delayed Pay Rise Deal


The deal was signed by Interior Minister Gregor Virant, Branimir Štrukelj, head of the Public Sector Trade Union Confederation, and Dušan Miščević, who heads the other large group of public sector trade unions.

The deal envisages that the third round of the pay rise for the period between 1 October 2010 and 31 May 2012 is paid out with default interest, as ordered by the Supreme Court, which found in March that the freeze of this pay rise was in breach of legislation.

The funds will be paid out in two rounds. The first is to take place by the end of February 2014 at the latest and the second by the end of January 2015.

Virant labelled the deal legally safe and fair. Although the March ruling of the Supreme Court applies only to a few public sector employees, Virant believes they all have the right to this pay rise, therefore the government decided to put it in law.

The minister hopes that some employers will pay out the installments sooner than stipulated in the bill; however he has previously expressed doubt that this will be possible.

Štrukelj believes that "the surprisingly high level of consensus" among the trade unions was the best way to contribute to social stability in Slovenia in 2014.

He also labelled as especially important a statement signed by Virant which guarantees that the new deal will not affect any existing agreements or hinder promotions in 2014.

Miščević added that his trade unions group decided to sign the agreement because they believed this would be the fastest way for employees to get the funds.

Several trade unions have however objected the deal, deciding instead to urge their members to seek the repayment of the outstanding pay rise in court.


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