Pensioners Want Government Shuffle, New Coalition Agreement
Erjavec said he wants a discussion on a government shuffle and a new programme in the wake of Monday's resignation of Health Minister Tomaž Gantar and last week's resignation of Economy Minister Stanko Stepišnik.
DeSUS is debating the issue today at a meeting of its deputy group, while decisions on how to solve the ongoing political crisis will be taken tomorrow at the meeting of DeSUS executive committee, according to him.
Erjavec pointed out that the ruling coalition had agreed at the start of its term that it would sit down after one year in office to think about what to do next and whether it is possible to keep up until the end of the term.
"If we want to continue working together and remain on until the autumn of 2015, the coalition agreement needs to be redefined, and a government shuffle is also necessary," he said.
Erjavec believes that Lukšič, who is the only coalition party leader not to serve as minister, should join the cabinet. If this does not happen, Erjavec will think about whether it makes sense to stay in the government.
"It is very comfortable to be outside and comment while not taking any responsibility," Erjavec said in reference to Lukšič.
Turning to Gantar's resignation, he said that a healthcare reform will not be possible until the score is settled with the "healthcare mafia" and "healthcare barons", whose tentacles extend to the coalition.