Coalition to Sign New Contract
The final version of the document was endorsed by the senior coalition Positive Slovenia (PS) and Social Democrats (SD) on Thursday after it had already been approved by the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) and Citizens' List (DL) earlier this week.
Talks on the coalition contract have been overshadowed by staffing issues following obstacles in the search of candidates for economy and health ministers, two key ministerial posts that have been vacant since November.
DeSUS decided it no longer wanted to be in charge of the health department but wanted instead the post of the minister without portfolio responsible for Slovenians abroad.
The party later had a change of heart but since the PS had already picked a candidate for the health department as well as for the economy minister, PS member Tina Komel was forced to step down as minister for Slovenians abroad in order to make way for DeSUS candidate.
PM Alenka Bratušek thus nominated three ministerial candidates on Thursday, Metod Dragonja for economic development and technology minister, Alenka Trop Skaza for health minister and Gorazd Žmavc for minister for Slovenians abroad.
The deal on the new ministers also paved the way for the signing of the coalition agreement, which the draft suggests does not diverge significantly from the current general course or the accord signed a year ago.