The Slovenia Times

Last Day of Election Campaign: Miro Cerar and SDS Still in Lead


The newly-established SMC is projected to win 33.6% of the vote in the Episcenter poll for online news portal Planet and 31.3% in the Ninamedia poll commissioned jointly by commercial station POP TV and the daily Dnevnik.

The polls project the second-placed SDS winning 24% and 23.4%, respectively, as the two parties continue to hold a sizeable lead over all other contenders despite both seeing drops in support over last week.

Compared to the Episcenter poll conducted last week, the SMC lost 4.9 and the SDS 1.5 percentage points, while they were down by 1.7 and 3.3 percentage points, respectively, in the Ninamedia projection.

The projections continue to see the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) in third place (10.5% and 11%), followed by the Social Democrats (SD - 8.2% and 7.9%), New Slovenia (NSi - 6.1% and 5.8%), Alliance of Alenka BratuĊĦek (ZaAB - 5.4% and 4.3%) and the Peoples' Party (SLS - 4.5% and 3.7%).

While the SLS scored below the parliamentary threshold of 4% in the Ninamedia poll, the deviation is such that it is within range of making it into parliament.

All five parties trailing the frontrunners made gains in the Episcenter poll, which also found other contenders well below the threshold, with the United Left coalition closest to making it into parliament at 2.7%.

In addition to measuring party support, the Episcenter survey which was conducted from 2 to 9 July on a sample of 2,998 people, also found a slight rise in expected voter turnout at 37%.

The Ninamedia poll was conducted from 7 to 9 July on a sample of 1,000 people.


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