Coalition Talks Entering Decisive Phase
Four potential partners for the Party of Miro Cerar (SMC) remain in the game after the preliminary round of negotiations: the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), Social Democrats (SD), New Slovenia (NSi) and the Alenka Bratušek Alliance (ZaAB).
The prospective partners are expected to submit their remarks to the draft coalition agreement by the middle of the week, whereupon the negotiations are expected to progress to individual issues that the partners have highlighted as problematic.
Judging by the statements of party leaders, Miro Cerar, the likely PM-designate, will have his work cut out as he attempts to put together a broad coalition spanning the political spectrum. Most notably, he will have to find common ground between the welfare requests of the SD and DeSUS and the pro-business agenda of the NSi.
He will also have to crack the staffing puzzle given that he needs at least three of the four potential partners to forge a coalition with a strong majority in parliament. The DeSUS, which has ten seats in the 90-member legislature to the SMC's 36, has already indicated it would seek three cabinet posts.
While the prospective partners try to hammer out the details of the coalition agreement, President Borut Pahor will start consultations with deputy groups as he solicits opinions before he formally nominates a PM-designate. These talks are expected to start towards the end of the week.
Cerar has indicated he would like to have the government in place in the second half of September.