The Slovenia Times

European Agriculture Economists Meeting in Ljubljana


The central European event dedicated to economics of agriculture, livestock farming and natural resources is expected to draw around 700 participants from 53 countries and feature around 250 papers on key topics facing agriculture.

The topics discussed will include competitiveness of the agri-food sector, natural resources, the relationship between the environment and agriculture, risk management in agriculture, the effects of global and European agriculture policy, management of food chains and consumer habits.

Acting as the patron of the the event, which will be launched at the Ljubljana Fairgrounds in the afternoon, is Slovenian President Borut Pahor. Also attending the opening will be European Environment Commission Janez Potočnik from Slovenia and head of the EEAA Alan Mattews.

The congress, which the EAAE has organised in association with the Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty and the Slovenian Association of Agricultural Economists, will also be attended by Slovenian Environment Minister Dejan Židan.


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