Juncker Invited Outgoing PM Bratušek to Interview
Bertaud could not say yet how long the process will take because one country - Belgium - has yet to nominate its candidate.
Slovenia has submitted three candidates, Bratušek as well as outgoing Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec and MEP Tanja Fajon of the Social Democrats (SD).
Asked by a reporter how Juncker will proceed in the case of multiple nominations, Bertaud said that in Slovenia's case Juncker "will interview Alenka Bratušek".
Juncker will first interview the nominees and then unveil the assignment of portfolios.
Hearings of commissioner nominees in the European Parliament are planned for 22-30 September. In case any of the candidates should prove problematic, a second round of hearings is planned for 13-15 October.
The European Parliament is to take a vote on the new line-up at the plenary session running between 20 and 23 October.