The Slovenia Times

German President Starts Two-Day Visit to Slovenia


Gauck will be the first German president to visit Slovenia in 12 years and the event is an opportunity to examine possibilities for expanding the already strong ties in trade, science and research, the Slovenian president's office has said.

However, concrete business deals are not expected to be discussed during the visit from Slovenia's biggest trade partner.

As part of his stay here, the German president is due to meet the president, prime minister and speaker today, for talks that are expected to revolve around efforts to overcome the crisis and restart growth.

Pahor and Gauck are scheduled to take part in a panel on the need for social consensus in pursuing development, a hot issue in Slovenia amidst a new round of negotiations between the government and public sector trade unions.

On Wednesday, the presidents will visit the Enterprise Education Centre in Nova Gorica and the Ajdovščina-based ultralight aircraft producer Pipistrel, as well as the Franciscan monastery at Kostanjevica.


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