Govt to Adopt Fiscal Rule Bill, 2015 Public Sector Pay Accord
The cabinet will expectedly also give its seal of approval to a pay cuts agreement for 2015 reached with public sector trade unions on Monday and adopt the fiscal rule implementation bill.
The agreement with trade unions was reached late on Monday, extending the existing restrictions until the end of 2015 and introducing several new cuts.
Chief negotiator for the government, Public Administration Minister Boris Koprivnikar, expects his colleagues to approve the accord.
The government is also to adopt the fiscal rule implementation bill after the document was presented to the opposition this week.
The cabinet wanted to adopt the bill already last week, but delayed the decision after protest from the opposition, which had not been acquainted with the document, under which Slovenia would gradually start applying the rule in 2016 budget.
Moreover, today's government session is also expected to decide when Slovenia will introduce cash tax registers.
While Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan, who is heading a special task force, wants the registers to be introduced as soon as possible, Finance Ministry State Secretary Mateja Vraničar has said that the earliest possible date would be 1 September 2015.