Snow sculpting competition in Koroška
Jan 26 2024 - Jan 28 2024 Črna na Koroškem
The town of Črna na Koroškem in the north of the country will host its annual now sculpting competition on the last weekend in January.
The event, known as the Castles of King Matjaž, evokes the legend of a righteous king sleeping under the nearby Mount Peca, which competitors as a rule explore as the theme in their sculptures.
Held for the 32nd year, the event will start with a night-time slalom during which skiers will navigate their way through a torch-lit piste.
The winners of best snow sculptures will be declared on Saturday evening as the sculptures will be illuminated with torches.
At least 20 teams are expected to take part in the competition. For application, click here (page in Slovenian and German only).
The programme includes concerts and other entertainment events as well as treasure hunts, puppet shows and other events for children.