Exhibition on anti-fascist monuments
Mar 13 2024 - Apr 25 2024 Maribor
An exhibition on Partisan monuments in the former Yugoslavia at the National Liberation Museum in Maribor focuses on the monuments's fate after the disintegration of the former federation the early 1990s.
Places of Memory, the Power and Powerlessness of Partisan Monuments has been curated by five Slovenian historians who note different attitudes that the ex-Yugoslavia countries have to these monuments.
The focus is on the monuments that have great artistic and architectural value such as those in Dražgoše (Slovenia), Petrova Gora (Croatia), Tjentište (Bosnia), Ulcinj (Montenegro), Mitrovica (Kosovo) and Kadinjača (Serbia).
The historians have so far made recordings of around 80 monuments, publishing 41 of them, together with the documentary The Power and Powerlessness of Monuments.