Level of threat low, talks with police to resume next week, PM Cerar says
Cerar spoke to the press after a summit of senior coalition officials, which reviewed the security situation amid the refugee crisis and the ongoing police strike.
He said that "security systems in Slovenia are functioning as normal".
"The funds which the police and the army have at the moment enable them to manage very demanding challenges such as migration flows and the severe security situation."
This in his opinion proves that the army and the police function well even in difficult conditions.
The summit however shared a view that both security systems have been affected by "disproportionate austerity measures".
He therefore announced the government would keep strengthening the country's security system, also by involving experts in this process.
Reiterating that the government had already stopped the negative trend in defence funding, he said the police and the army would need to get modernized.
He added that the military structure would have to be optimised first, whereupon funds for the army will be increased in 2017.
The police has however already been secured additional funding in the budgets for 2016 and 2017, he added.
The summit also backed the government's negotiating positions for talks with the police trade unions, so talks will resume early next week, Cerar announced.
The police went on strike on 18 November, with better pay and new equipment among its main demands.