Maribor, Slovenia's second largest city, has modernised its bus transportation system, introducing new routes, additional stops and updated timetables, as well as contactless payment by bank cards.
Inspired by larger cities that have main metro lines and smaller feeder lines, Maribor streamlined it

Slovenia recorded the highest ever number of tourist arrivals and nights in 2024, with visitor numbers significantly above the 2023 records driven by a surge of visitors to the capital Ljubljana.
Visitor numbers rose by 6.3% to 6.6 million, with the guests generating 16.9 million overnight stays, a

A mountain lodge that witnessed the engagement of Prince George, Duke of Kent, an uncle of British monarch Queen Elizabeth II, to Princess Marina in 1934 has been restored to welcome discerning guests to the lakeside resort of Bohinj once again.
A decade after it collapsed under the weight of snow,

Slovenia's landmarks, icons and historical milestones encapsulated in scale models and dioramas have been put on display at a museum in Šenčur, a small town near the northwestern city of Kranj.
The Slovenia in Miniature Museum, arguably the first such in the country, will open to the general public

The Devil's Tower in Soteska, part of the once majestic Soteska Castle complex in the southeast, is Slovenia's only preserved Baroque garden pavilion. Known for a dark legend behind its name, the tower keeps a long-hidden treasure.
Restoration of the pavilion started in the 1970s and continues toda

A magnet for visitors from across the globe, the Radovljica Beekeeping Museum has opened a new exhibition space to display items from its collection of 240-plus objects that have not found their place in the permanent collection.
Few museums in Slovenia have a viewing depot, a special type of exhib

Slovenian Railways have made several adjustments to train timetables to ensure smooth enough travel to and from Ljubljana during ongoing extensive work on railway infrastructure. There will be fewer trains but the capacity of some will increase.
Passenger train timetables are changing considerably

When one tries to conjure up the image of a castle, more often than not the picture that emerges is of a fortified structure atop a strategically located hill with thick defensive walls and a fortified tower. Tiny Podsreda Castle, in a remote corner of east Slovenia, fits this picture almost to a t

Terme Snovik, a small spa close in north-central Slovenia, is embarking on its biggest expansion to date, a four-star hotel that comes with a price tag of €22 million.
Located close to Kamnik, 40 kilometres northeast of Ljubljana, the spa currently provides accommodation in eight apartment houses a