The Slovenia Times



Elfriede Jelinek: PRINCESS DRAMAS

Translated by / Prevod: Urška P. Černe, Anja Uršič, Sandra Baumgartner-Naylor, Lučka Jenčič, Amalija Maček
Directed by / Režija: Michał Borczuch
Friday, 19 February, at 19.00 / Petek, 19. 2., ob 19.00
Saturday, 20 February, at 20.00 / Sobota, 20. 2., ob 20.00

More: HERE


Katja Perat, Katarina Rešek, Jelena Rusjan: ÜberŠkrip

Directed by / Režija: Jelena Rusjan
Friday, 19 February, at 21.30 / Petek, 19. 2., ob 21.30
Saturday, 20 February, at 18.00 / Sobota, 20. 2., ob 18.00

More: HERE


The Ristić Complex

Directed by / Režija: Oliver Frljić
Sunday, 21 February, at 19.00 / Nedelja, 21. 2., ob 19.00

More: HERE



Three performances pack: 31 € / 19 €*

Single ticket : 15,50 € / 9,50 €*
*students, pensioners 

Mladinsko Theatre Main Box Office 
Trg francoske revolucije 5, Ljubljana
T: 01 425 33 12 /
MON-FRI: 12.00-17.30; SAT: 10.00-13.00

One hour before the performance at the theatre box office, Vilharjeva 11. 






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