The Slovenia Times

No change in Slovenia's most trusted brands


Firefighters remain the most and politicians the least respected professionals.

The 2016 Trusted Brand survey shows that HP remains the most valued computer brand, Canon is the most trusted maker of cameras and video cameras, NLB the most trusted bank and Zavarovalnica Triglav the most trusted of all insurance companies.

Petrol is the most trusted fuel retailer, while Cedevita juice powder is the most valued vitamin supplement. Lekadol was voted the most popular pain-killer, Nivea the most trusted brand in skin care and Ariel the top laundry detergent.

Samsung is the most trusted among mobile phone makers, Sonček among tourist agencies and Terme 3000 among spas.

The survey, which included 910 Readers' Digest subscribers, also shows that Slovenians prefer Radenska bottled water, Zlatorog Laško beer, Barcaffe coffee, Ljubljanske mlekarne milk and Dormeo mattresses.

Spar/Interspar beat last year's winner Mercator in the shopping centres category.

The most trusted electricity supplier is Gen-I, while POP TV remains the most valued TV broadcaster, public radio VAL 202 is still the top radio station, while tabloid Slovenske novice is the most trusted paper.

According to Reader's Digest Slovenija editor-in-chief Lidija Petek, consumers' favourite green brands are Toyota cars, Frosch detergents and retailer Mercator.

Marketing guru Mitja Tuškej said the winning brands were also market leaders. "The winning brands are those that mostly have the biggest market share or the highest number of users."

In the persona category, the survey showed that Ivo Boscarol of Pipistrel is the most trustworthy businessman, Slavko Bobovnik the most popular TV host, Denis Avdić the best radio host, ski jumper Peter Prevc the best athlete and folk music band Modrijan the most popular musicians.

This year's winners in the total of 32 categories will receive their awards at a ceremony on 18 May.


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