Women in Slovenia healthier and happier than men
There were 1,041,240 women living in Slovenia on 1 October 2015, which is 50.4% of the entire population. While long-term data shows that more men are born - 106 for every 100 girls born - women live nearly 6 years longer than men.
The average life expectancy for girls born in 2014 was 83.7 years, compared to 78 years for boys. Women live a healthier life in general and they take better care of their bodies, the statistics publication How Different We Are shows.
Half of all women are of a healthy weight, compared to only 36% of men. The share of women who are overweight stands at 30% and the share of obese women at 17%, below the 43% of men who are overweight and 20% who are obese.
The healthier way of living starts at an earlier age, with statistics showing that among children younger than 14, girls eat more fruit and vegetables and drink less sugary drinks. While more boys than girls are overweight, girls are more likely to be underweight.
According to the data, girls are also more conscious of their bodies and more likely to be overly critical, as they more frequently say that they are overweight than boys despite statistics showing the opposite.
As many as half of 13-year-old girls think they are overweight even though the actual figure is half that. The healthier habits translate later into life, when women continue to eat more fruit and vegetables. Fewer women also smoke.
They are also happier in general, with data collected from surveys showing that more women are satisfied with life than men.
Women tend to do better at school, starting from an early age. They achieve better grades in high school and go on to do better in university, while leaving home two years earlier on average than men.
While more men had tertiary education as far back as 1991 (10% compared to 8% among women), the share of women with degrees now stands at 25%, which is eight percentage points more than among men.
Still, at the highest levels of tertiary education, women are still under-represented. They account for 41% of all doctors of science under the age of 69.
While women are equally represented in the workplace between the ages of 30 and 49, they retire two years earlier on average and also have more problems finding work at a later age. In the 50-59 age group, only one-in-two women works, compared to two-thirds of men.
The income of women is also lower than that of men, with data showing that earnings by women are on average 5.3% lower than those of men.
Some industries are an exception to the rule, however, with women earning more in sectors such as water supply and management, transport and storage, and construction.